Micromax India has emerged as a potential player of Smartphone and tablet just from scratch. The smartphone manufacturer from india is no more a company manufacturing cheap dual sim phones, instead it is competing with giants like Nokia, HTC and Samsung. Recently it has launched a high specification value for money device, the Micormac Cnavas HD A116. The device is supposedly considered as one of the greatest competitors of all costly smartphones from other companies. The Micromax Canvas HD A116 is equipped with 1.2GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6589 processor coupled up with a PowerVR SGX5 GPU, and 1GB of RAM making it a powerhouse of specifications.
Here we are going to provide you with in-depth insight of how to root your Micromax Canvas HD A116 with simple to follow steps. Rooting Android device helps you overclocking which ultimately increase the performance of the device. It also helps you configuring restricted settings of your smartphone and to get most out of the hardware specifications.
Note : Make sure you take a full backup of your Android device before you follow the procedure below.
Disclaimer: Please carefully understand what you are proceeding with and where it will lead you to. Rooting voids your warranty (however you can unroot your device any time) and can potentially brick your device if you fail to follow the instructions carefully. Follow this guide at your own risk.
- Micromax Canvas HD A116 generic handset. This guide is not applicable for any other device.
- USB Cable for connecting device with PC
- Fully back-up your Micromax Canvas HD A116.
- Disable all security apps and programs like Antivirus and Firewall from your device.
- Make sure that all the drivers are installed properly.
- Make sure that your Micromax Canvas HD A116 is minimum 60% charged.
- Enable USB debugging on your Micromax Canvas HD A116.
- Go to Settings.
- Scroll Down and Tap on “Developer option”.
- Check on “USB debugging” option.
- Click “Ok”.
How to Root Micromax Canvas HD A116
- Download Rooting Tool and extract it on your computer.
- Connect your Micromax Canvas HD A116 to your computer via USB cable.
- Run the “RunMe.bat” file from the extracted folder downloaded in first step. This should open the command prompt.
- Choose the Normal mode by typing ’1′ and hit Enter button from your keyboard.
- Just follow the on-screen instructions to complete the Micromax Canvas HD A116 rooting process. Bin4ry will copy some files to your device and then your Micromax Canvas HD A116 will reboot.
- When your phone is turned on, check out for superuser SU app in your app drawer. If it’s there, your Micromax Canvas HD A116 have been rooted successfully!
- Reboot your Micromax Canvas HD A116 manually.
Quick Tip: If you ever want to Unroot your Micromax Canvas HD A116, run the ‘runme.bat’ file again, but this time type “x” instead of 1 and hit enter from your keyboard.
Do let us know if you have any queries in the comment box below, we’ll try to resolve the same.